Virtual Therapy

Therapy that is accessible, flexible, and convenient

At Eastside EMDR Therapy, we are a virtual practice because we believe you deserve therapy that fits your life!

Online, Virtual, Remote Therapy, Teletherapy, Telehealth: It is known by different names, but at its core, the service remains the same—an easy, convenient, and secure way for you to access therapy right where you are.

Benefits of virtual therapy

  • Gone are the days of waitlists to access a specialist therapist who is local. Virtual therapy expands your access to therapists statewide, broadening your options to find the right fit.

  • Virtual therapy offers the convenience of accessing therapy at a time convenient for you, anywhere within Washington state, making therapy more accessible and adaptable to your lifestyle.

  • Being in a familiar environment can help you feel more at ease and open during our sessions. Would you like to have your pet with you, wear comfortable clothing, or have a favorite soothing item nearby? You can choose what will be around you during your virtual session to support your needs.

  • Virtual therapy is budget-friendly because it saves you money on transportation, time off work, and childcare expenses often associated with traditional face-to-face therapy. It also reduces travel time and logistical hassles.

  • You can schedule virtual sessions at times that work better for your busy schedule. Whether you want to start your day or end your day with therapy, we will work to find a time that is convenient for you.

  • Virtual therapy has been around long before the pandemic. Research shows that online therapy can be just as effective as in-person therapy for many mental health issues, like anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

I want you to know:

You can prioritize your mental health without compromising your busy schedule or personal comfort.

Things you will needed for our virtual therapy sessions:

Compatible Device

You will need a device with a camera and microphone, such as a laptop, tablet, or smartphone, that supports the telehealth platform. Larger screens are recommended in order to view informational sheets/ handouts for therapy.

NOTE: Consider using Headphones/Earbuds as they can help improve audio quality and maintain privacy during the session.

Stable Internet Connection

Make sure your internet connection is reliable and fast so we don't get interrupted during our session.

Minimized Distractions

Make sure to mute your notifications and give your household a heads-up about your session to minimize interruptions.

Private & Comfortable Space

Choose a quiet, private spot where you can talk freely without interruptions or worrying about being overheard. This could be a cozy corner in your home, a private room at work, or even your parked car.

Make sure the space you are in is comfortable and safe, and where you can have comforting items like a blanket, your pet, or a favorite drink nearby.


Common questions about Virtual Therapy

  • At this time I can only work with individuals who are physically in the state of Washington for our sessions.

  • Absolutely! We will meet via a HIPAA compliant virtual therapy platform that uses encryption and other security measures to ensure your sessions are private and confidential.

  • If technical glitches pop up, we have a backup plan ready just in case. If needed, we can easily switch to a phone call or reschedule your session.

  • Yes! Virtual therapy has been proven to be just as effective as face-to-face therapy for many mental health concerns such as anxiety, depression, and PTSD, according to research.

Ready to get started with virtual therapy?

Let’s connect!